Agent: International Actors London
Phone: 0207 1250539
Spotlight View Pin: 7012-3498-0047
Height: 5' 4 Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Brown
Playing Age: 16-25 years
The Actors Class: Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced & Industry
2018: Woman #2, ANGRY BLACK WOMAN, Battersea Arts Centre, Dir. Desree Gumbs-Carty
2018: Woman 4, MOON-STAINED, Gerry's Stratford East, Dir. Segen Yosef & Kassius Nelson
2017: Jenebah, A LONG WALK FROM HOME, Lyric Hammersmith Theatre, Dir. Rebekah Murrell
2017: Chioma, JOURNEYS THE COMPANY: THE ROOM OF POSSIBILITIES, Lyric Hammersmith Theatre, Dir. Toby Clarke
2017: Ensemble, NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, Lyric Hammersmith, Dir. Toby Clarke
2017: Ophelia, SHAKESPEARE IN THE BLOCKS, Lyric Hammersmith, Dir. Toby Clarke
2017: Scarlette, THE FIRST DATE, Ovalhouse Theatre, Dir. Stephanie T Clarke
2016: Sasha, RIPPLE, Arcola Theatre, Dir. Carolina Giametta
2016: Angela, BESIEGED, Arcola Theatre, Dir. Toby Clarke
2016: Adele, HERONS, Arcola Theatre, Dir. Toby Clarke
2016: Susan, SHARING, Lyric Hammersmith Theatre, Dir. Toby Clarke
2015: Rob, GRIMM, The Network Theatre, Dir. Rebecca Holmes
2015: Various, THE LARAMIE PROJECT, Rose Bruford College Dir. Laurence Greiner
2015: Nina, THE SEAGULL, Rose Bruford College, Dir. Jade Allen
2015: Joni, SATELITE IN THE SKY, Grips Theater, Dir. Øystein Ulsberg Brager
2015: Jennifer, THE MONSTER IN THE HALL, The Tramshed, Dir. Kate O’Connor
2013: Lisa, CHUGGERS, Catford Broadway Theatre, Dir. Helen Stanley
2012: Various, METAMORPHOSIS, Catford Broadway Theatre, Dir. Helen Stanley
2011: Various, EAST END TALES, Catford Broadway Theatre, Dir. Sebastian Constantine
Accents: London*
Music & Dance: African Dance-Contemporary, Alto
Other: DBS Checked, Experienced Barista